Designed for kids and teenagers, between 7 to 18 years old. In this program, the kids are able to experiment with various instruments, therefore, finding out the instrument of preference. Learning the music theory, necessary to play the instrument, and last but not least, be part of a “Lab”, where they’ll be able to play with other peers and perform as in an own band.

To satisfy the necessity of all ages. Students and teacher, work together, adapting to necessities, allowing them, to grow at their own pace.

One of the biggest rehearsal rooms in the Doral Area, where every kind and size of band, will be comfortable performing. From small rock bands to Big bands, this room is the perfect place.

One of the most affordable studios In Miami, excellent Price-Product . Tired of recording at your home studio?, with Us, we will help You to improve the quality of your final product. High quality gear such as, the Focusrite ISA and the UAD 710.
Able to record drums, percussion, or even horns. Our soundproof booth, allows to record voices, voiceover, guitars, etc.